CCHE Collaborations

The Methodology and Advanced Analytics Resource Center (MAARC)

Opioid use disorder (OUD) and overdose are growing crises within justice involved contexts. To understand and intervene, the University of Chicago and its collaborators propose a research plan that couples bi-directional data sharing, analytics, and modeling to foster new scientific insights into interventions at the nexus of OUD and justice contexts. Toward this end, the Methodology and Advanced Analytics Resource Center (MAARC) team will conduct opioid clinical trials implemented within justice contexts.

UC and key affiliates, such as Argonne National Laboratory and NORC, will support clinical trials with forecasting, rapid real-time assessments, explication and exploration of trial findings, and cost-effectiveness analysis.

The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)

The Third Coast CFAR is one of a national network of Centers for AIDS Research, the purpose of which is to synergistically enhance and coordinate high quality HIV research projects.

Third Coast CFAR partners include Northwestern University and the University of Chicago, the Chicago and Illinois Departments of Public Health, and key community organizations, including Howard Brown Health, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Center on Halsted, AllianceChicago, and many others.


Care2Prevent (C2P) is a program of the University of Chicago Medicine’s Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. C2P’s team provides comprehensive medical care, behavioral health, case management, social support, and patient education to young people living with or vulnerable to HIV/STIs. C2P is a nonprofit organization that receives funding from the Chicago Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other governmental and philanthropic entities.


The University ofChicago HIV Prevention and Care Team (UC-PACT) provides comprehensive and person-centered linkage to care and supportive services for people living with HIV or seeking PrEP on our medical campus. We help our clients navigate the healthcare system by providing health education, coordinating referrals and appointments, and supporting our clients’ overall well-being. Key services include: routine HIV testing and linkage to care (xTLC), linkage to HCV care, linkage to PrEP care, Sexual Wellness Clinic (SWC), Data2Care, and Adult Ryan White HIV program.