South Side Health Home (S2H2)
Over the past 5 years it has become increasingly clear that the way we are doing HIV prevention and HIV care is not as effective as it needs to be. Research and experience has repeatedly shown that black gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and  black women (transgender and cisgender) experience similar structural, community, and personal barriers regardless of HIV status. Therefore, in 2019 the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) modified the way it awarded funds for HIV prevention and care.  Our HIV programs at UChicago have joined together to create the South Side Health Home (S2H2). Each group (Care2Prevent, PACT, and CCHE) bring their areas of expertise to create a care and prevention system that ensures that all clients, regardless of status are receiving the medical, social and structural support they deserve. S2H2 provides services across the continuum of care, with the explicit goal of improving the health of those most impacted by HIV.